Hello and welcome to the Buzztones Rhythm Revue website.
We are excited to bring you all of our updates and info. in ONE PLACE. We will still continue to use other social media as well as our mailing lists to keep y'all "in de loop."
We hope that this site offers you a glimpse into our music, our history, and the background of the superb players who make this band great.
It will also provide updates about the band, such as where we're performing, how you can contact us, booking information and more. We'll always do our best to provide posts of pertinence..and well some maybe not so much...but perhaps you will find them entertaining nonetheless. Samples of our music will be found here and we'll let you know how you can get your hands on some highly coveted Buzztones apparel.
We also will be looking forward to hearing from you with questions and suggestions. Let us know what you think. This is gonna be fun!
*THE BUZZTONES would like to thank The MEGnificent Meg Elizabeth O' Shaughnessy at Meg and Roe Creative for getting this off the ground and for her continued "Creative Obsession."